What an Attorney can do for you if you are in a Car Accident and don't have a License | Andres Mejer Law

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What an Attorney can do for you if you are in a Car Accident and don’t have a License

Mr. JimenezFirst of all, we are here, leaving Lakewood’s courthouse. I reached out to Mr. Andres Mejer, the attorney, to request his services. I thank God and him for handling well my case. He managed very well my issues and I thank him for his services that he provided to me.Primero que nada, estamos aqui, saliendo de la corte de Lakewood. Yo llame al senor Andres Mejer, el abogado , para pedirle su ayuda. Agradezco a Dios y a el, por haber manejado bien mi caso. El manejo muy bien mis asuntos y le agradezco por sus servicios que me dio.

Andres Mejer

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