Libia receives green card and thanks Andres Mejer! | Andres Mejer Law

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Libia received adjustment of status thanks Andres Mejer Law!

Porque necesito usted un abogado? “Fue la forma mas viable para resolver min problema. Mi problema fue mis estatus inmigratorio, y aparte de eso mi caso no era creible for la differencia de edad entre yo y la persona con que iba contraer matrimonio para arreglar mis problemas que tenia con Inmigracion.”

Como fue la interaccion con Andres Mejer Law? “Gracias a las oficinas de Andres Mejer, adonde me brindaron todo su apoyo, y su calidez humana. Gracias a Dios me encuentro bien. Pude viajar a mi pais y pude hacer lo que no pude hacer antes.”

Recomenda Andres Mejer Law a sus familiares e amistadades? “Lo Recomiendo con los ojos cerados. Por eso regrese de nuevo porque son personas en que puedes confiar y brindan su amistado sincera, aparte de eso le ayudan en todo lo que sea posible. Gracias a ellos me encuentro feliz en este momento y mi vida a cambio.”

Why do you feel you needed a lawyer? “It was the most viable way to resolve my issues. My problem was not only my legal status in this country but because of the vast difference in age between my husband and I. I was concerned that immigration would not find my case credible.”

How was the rapport with the office of Andres Mejer? “I received a great deal of support thanks to Andres and his staff and thank goodness, I find myself doing very well at this time. I have my greencard and can now travel to my country and can do so many things I coulnd’t do before.”

Would you recommend Andres Mejer Law to friends and family? “I recommend then wholeheartedly and that is why I have returned. They are individuals you can trust. They offer their sincere frienship and they help you as much as possible. Thanks to them I am very happy with my life at this time. My life has changed.”

Andres Mejer

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